понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Sign up to join this community. Easy answer to this question is Omniknight , although that still does not counter his ultimate's damage. Jason Hamje Jason Hamje 21 2 2 bronze badges. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. dota 6.84c

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Tournaments Midas Mode 2. Map awareness, wards, try to avoid being ganked, work with your team have them carry TPs as well or if BS is ganking you all the time just have a support stick around you while you farm the lane and bait BS.

Roster shuffle megathread Patch 7. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. This is kind of a multifaceted issue that depends on the hero you pick, but in Bloodseeker's case it's just the most frequent answer of "it's just not as efficient as laning.

Patch 6.84c Released!

Meepo if u know how to play him. Mek is nerfed again.

dota 6.84c

Always have wards up on the map. Concern yourself with avoiding the Blood Rite before you do anything else -- being 6.84x will make you useless in the fight after all. Finally, this one is only half-serious, but if you find yourself the primary target of Rupture then Lotus Orb might help, since Bloodseeker really does not want to be Ruptured in a fight as a melee auto-attacker.

Be careful against him in lane. Jugg First and ulti or first and healing ward.

dota 6.84c

Bloodseeker really peaks at early to midgame, but he's not that strong in the late game. Do you have any recommendations how Bloodseeker jungle dotx be countered? The key is using it when BS's team or yours has committed to the fight, but before BS is in melee range of anyone. You still have to worry about Ddota Rite, but obviously it isn't as reliable as his old silence.

Another option is to deny his last hits; this can probably be done most easily with a hero like Timbersaw that strongly punishes farming melee heroes in lane. You don't want to be the center of the Blood Rite.

Satyr banisher does have a mana pool, so with an arcane or two you could keep it going for quite a while. Dodekeract Dodekeract 1 1 silver badge 9 9 bronze badges.

Asked 4 years, 2 months ago. In the matches I had he seems to be pretty damn overpowered, just running around with haste-rune speed and guaranteeing a free kill everytime his ult is up.

On May 18 The mid lane makes it fairly easy to avoid the AOE, though -- there are a lot of paths that branch away from mid. This makes it easier to kite melee heroes, and helps make sure you don't get hit as hard by AOE spells.

Troll Second and ulti. Mana cost is real. As usual against heroes that rely on movement and right click damage, Shiva's Guard is going to help a lot. Split-pushing is an excellent counter to gank teams as long as the split-pusher sota not get 6.84x themselves, and Tinker is great at pushing while avoiding ganks -- the laser blind also helps against BS, as well as his incredibly fast farming ability, which leads into him buying a sheepstick. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Nice, dirge getting nerfed again These are the same things you should do against any gank-heavy strategy.

Is there any hero I can pick to punish his pick? What you'd reasonably conclude 68.4c that "Man, these guys both have amazing win rates, but when Boxer A and Boxer B meet, Boxer A mostly maintains his winrate while Boxer B's winrate plummets, therefore Boxer A is the better boxer".

dota 6.84c

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